Thursday, 12 January 2012


This term we are learning how to collect data and information about our local area. We walked around our local area and made maps with keys and symbols. We also collected information about the types of buildings and landscape there are in our local area.

We also investigated our local play park!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


We are learning our times tables OFF BY HEART!! Practise at home, use the songs on Mathletics to help you:

Try playing games so get those tables in your brain - how about Balloon Invaders:

Balloon Invaders
By the end of terms, we will be tables experts!!!!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the Spring term everyone!
Our new topic is all about looking at things in a different way - "A Different View".  We're going to learn all about our own local area, and then go somewhere... completely DIFFERENT!
Check out this website that teaches you all about how to read and make maps: